Our Bakery

Our bakery originated from the family holiday home Casa Familia Zinnowitz. Our goal is to offer our guests a selection of food characterized by regionality, quality, and digestibility. From this fundamental idea, we began to create our own baked goods in-house.

With our creative head, Chef Christoph Dranß, traditional baking craftsmanship, pure ingredients, and collaboration with local partners have taken root. This is how the first in-house recipes for our breads came to be, which we now share not only with our guests in Zinnowitz but also with trusted customers who appreciate the taste and quality of our baked goods.


Quality is paramount; otherwise, our breads do not leave the BakingContainer. We achieve flavor through the long maturation and resting times we allow our doughs. Pre-made dough mixes and additives are not used for our loaves. Handmade on-site, we bake in the traditional way and view each loaf as a true one-of-a-kind creation, offering an unadulterated, naturally pure taste that stands in contrast to industrially produced bread. We revive traditional craftsmanship in our bakery to produce natural bread varieties for you.


For our natural breads, we rely exclusively on sourdough, which makes the breads yeast-free. The fermentation and formation of esters create strong aromas that define the taste. Additionally, sourdough is easy to digest because the starch in the flour is broken down, making the bread more digestible. We have also taken it upon ourselves to bake gluten-free breads, which are particularly suitable for allergy sufferers (though caution is advised for those with celiac disease). By using pure flour varieties without additives, our breads have less sugar and a higher fiber content, making certain types of bread suitable for diabetics.


We believe in sustainable, responsible, and modern baking craftsmanship. The interplay of innovative ideas, passion for the baking craft, and foresight in the mindful use of our raw materials defines our concept. We produce in a climate-neutral manner using self-generated solar energy, and we source our pure, additive-free flour from the nearest mill, which relies on sustainable agriculture. The bulk purchase of these ingredients minimizes CO2 emissions from transportation.


The initiator and creative mind behind Casa Bakery is Chef Christoph Dranß. With his move into the family holiday home, responsible handling of raw materials and food grew. His innovative ideas and passion for baking bread led to the development of in-house, handcrafted baked goods.

The first recipes came from Christoph's pen, and he baked the first loaves in small quantities for the house until the concept matured to open an in-house bakery. The guests of the family holiday home are already convinced, and now we want to convince you – buy local, buy handcrafted baked goods.


In 2022, our team was expanded with the addition of Master Baker Marcus Wollenzin-Meier. Together, Christoph and Marcus bring passion for the baking profession, technical expertise, and boundless creativity.


The heads of the Casa Bakery concept are supported by diligent helpers who also value quality and service.

  • Mario Heydemann – Cook/Baker
  • Nicola Wroblewska – Baker
  • Nico Roß – Pastry Chef
  • Ruth Ziergiebel – Pastry Chef
  • Urszula Lipinska – Pastry Chef

Our Partners

Our quality begins with our partners and thus directly in nature. We have been convinced by the quality of local products and want to bring you high-quality goods, vitality, and a responsible approach to handling food.


Unsere verschiedenen Mehle beziehen wir vom gemeinnützigen, ökologischen Landwirtschaftsbetrieb FINC Foundation im Biosphärenreservat Südost-Rügen. Hier wird bestes Getreide angebaut und dabei gleichzeitig Lebensraum für seltene Arten geschaffen. Mit artenreichen Säumen, Blüh- und Obstwiesen, neu angelegten Feldwegen zum Spazieren und Kleingewässern gestalten und pflegen Sebastian Schmidt und sein Team die einzigartige Kulturlandschaft dieser einzigartigen Region. Dank der Nutzung ausgesuchter alter Sorten wie dem Weizen “Pommerschen Dickkopf” oder dem Dinkel “Oberkulmer Rotkorn” und einer sorgfältigen handwerklichen Verarbeitung der Produkte entstehen besonders geschmackvolle und hochwertige Mehle, Körner und Öle, die gleichzeitig ein Spiegel der Landschaft und ein Stück regionaler Identität sind.



We place great importance on conscious nutrition, regionality, and quality, just like Gut Netzeband. Regional pasta production, responsible use of natural resources, and high-quality products have become the mission of Gut Netzeband. In our bistro, we offer these delicious noodles to our guests, and we ourselves are convinced of their taste and quality.


In addition to plant-based products, animal products are also of high interest to us. We source Weiderind (pasture-raised) beef from a certified organic farm in the moraine landscape of East Pomerania. Hof am Mühlenbach is a regional farm with its own butchery, known for its humane free-range cattle farming. Quality over quantity – this is the focus we aim to set together with our partners.